26 July 2022 - 12:42
News ID:
Al-Abbas holy shrine's holds coming of age celebration for 100 girls in Nigeria
The ceremony held in Kaduna province witnessed the presentation of several activities, including the raising of a blessed banner from the shrine of Aba…
Photo/ "Blessedness of Dignity" convention at Lady Masuma holy shrine
"Blessedness of Dignity" convention was held at Lady Masuma holy shrine in order to Honor reciters and memorizers of the holy Quran.
Imam Reza holy shrine's Intl. training course for Quran teachers closing ceremony
Imam Reza holy shrine’s Scientific and Cultural Foundation has held closing ceremony of first international training course for Quran teachers in presence…
Conference to be held:
Muslim Spiritual Guidance in the Interfaith and Secular Context
Organized by the Swiss Center for Islam & Society, the conference is to be held on September 13th 2022, 17:00 in French and German, Open to the general…
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